We'd like to give heartfelt thanks the following Corporate Sponsors. We're also very grateful to our donors who have given sacrificially of themselves. If your organization has a desire to help out a charity, we welcome you to help make a difference today!

Aberle Films: A great animation company that has aided our distribution and production of children’s programs funded by Car and boat donations.

Clear Channel Media: The largest radio station and advertising companies in the US of A. Clear Channel's helped us through their corporate sponsorship and without their help many programs would have gone unfunded.

Sonic Phish: We are grateful for Ken and the crew at Sonic Phish for helping us with NLO songs totally funded by car and boat donations.

eBay Auctions: The biggest online auction service throughout the world with a big heart for helping charities. Through their "Mission Fish" program has helped us raise countless needed funds and given us a wide platform to let many people know about our programs and to enable us to sell our donated cars, boats motorcycles..

BlackBeanie Christian Programming: We're grateful for the Christian Programming Services BlackBeanie provides that enable us to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

Viacom: They've been a blessing by using their advertising power to help us get the word out and reach others. Viacom has been a tremendous blessing to Car Angel enabling us to get our message out at greatly reduced rates and effectively increasing our program benefits to the less fortunate.

Lampro Laminating in Cleveland, Ohio: Thanks goes to Lampro for all of our lamination needs on the prison and children's materials that they've done very professionally thus giving long-life and usage out of them in the educational arena.

Christian Motorsports Illustrated: Special thanks to Roland and the crew for distributing our programs at NASCAR races and Hot Rod events.

XP Media: Special thanks to Patricia and the great crew for posting the programs we have done funded by car and boat donations and for the mentions they have given us to allow other to give cars and autos to our charity.

NETA thanks to the PBS family: for approving our programs uploading them to allow many in the USA to benefit from them everything was funded by car and boat donations.

Catholic TV NRB, DAYSTAR, Smile of A Child, Cornerstone Broadcasting, TCT Sky Angel: special thanks to all our broadcaster who have aired the programs produced with funds from cars donated to charity.

GREAT WESTERN PRINTING: Thanks for the great printing for our many in house needs.

ULINE: thank you for the bumper stickers